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The Story

"because true love is immortal"

a terrifying occult love story series

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the fourth and final part of
a terriffying occult love story




"After his beautiful wife dies in his arms of a mysterious wasting disease, Stevie is haunted by her presence in the isolated New Zealand house they'd fled to five years earlier. On the verge of a catastrophic mental breakdown, Stevie is saved by the arrival of his wife's best friend Toni, who tells him that his dead wife is in great peril. Returning to London with Toni, Stevie must revisit the terrifying path of High Ceremonial Magic and commit to a dangerous personal quest. But love is eternal and Stevie will do whatever it takes to save his immortal beloved dead wife Helen."


Stevie’s quest to save his beautiful dead wife Helen continues…

"In Berlin with Toni - psychologically damaged while engaging in a dangerous Enochian Magic ritual - Stevie is pursued by a deadly team sent from London by the sinister Sable Wyvern, an officer of the Heraldic College of Arms. Following a healing sojourn with a magical research group in the Harz Mountains, Stevie is saved from capture by enigmatic English shaman Major Richard Warne, and his stone-killer associate Harvey Beecham. Back in London, Stevie learns more about Sable Wyvern’s obsessive interest in his dead wife from the exquisitely beautiful and dangerous aristocratic adept Hesther. Help may come from Hesther – but can she be trusted?"


Stevie’s quest to save his beautiful dead wife Helen continues…

"In the Sacred Heart of Albion, Stevie finds sanctuary with the mystical Earth-mother Darnelle and her beautiful prescient teenage daughter Ellie. Joined by Major Warne, Harvey Beecham and the exquisite aristocratic adept Hesther, he is persuaded to return to London to meet with the sinister officers of the Heraldic College of Arms who have been pursuing him. But Stevie’s instinct alerts him to an imminent danger and after warning his friends, he takes flight. In Annwn - an expansive forested country estate - he finds freedom, peace and love and a communal way of life… and perhaps a magical path to communion with his immortal beloved dead wife Helen. But is Annwn the paradise he believes it to be?"

Part Four - Northern Lights

Stevie’s quest to save his beautiful dead wife Helen continues…

"Following his magical near-death experience in the sacred forest of the estate of Annwn, and knowing that his life is in danger, Stevie goes on the run. Guided and protected by major Warne, he finds himself on the island of Iona where he meets Rhona, a woman with whom he discovers he has long standing connections. Still on the run, Stevie and Rhona find themselves first of all at the mystical Boleskine Lodge close by Loch Ness, then in Berlin, and finally in Iceland where Stevie gains a powerful initiation via the ancient occult practice of Seiðr. The beautiful occult Adept Hesther feels that she can end the deadly pursuit of Stevie once and for all – but is Stevie ready to risk everything after all he’s been through?"

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